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grizr's picture
Which video pack to begin with for me;

Have heard great things about both zzz/phl's video pack aswell as pbogz journey pack.

However, I just want to start with one as I am fairly new to husng's. Playing primarily hyper's at (micros of course). 

I am also currently reasing merc's ebook but still want to know what to do next!

one recommend one over the other for me to start with ? 


Thanks and sorry if this has been asked.

RyPac13's picture
They're both great choices

They're both great choices for beginning players. Zzz phl's pack is a little bit more of a guided format, Pbogz is newer and cheaper.

I think if you look at each of the description pages, watch the free preview videos... just go with the one that you really feel suits you better, I don't think there's a clear answer as those are both good packs for exactly your type of player (and the two I'd recommend to anyone who asked that question, so good job identifying those right away).