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Badeend's picture
Hu hyper leakfinding in pokertracker


I've been playing 3,5 $ heads up hypers for a while now. I've looked at a lot of video's but would like a bit more of an approach that is tailored to my needs. I'm a winning player but am still unsure in a lot of spots and would like to get rid of that feeling. I was wondering if someone could recommend a coach/group/... that can teach me to find leaks using pokertracker at a cost that is affordable for a 3,5$ player. I've used it most of the time that i play poker but admidet

ly most of that was to track my winnings and ev. Since i have pretty descent roi though most of my numbers are positive so i'm not sure where i can improve my game. The worst part is i'm running a lot +ev so i would like someone to point out where i'm doing good and where im gettig lucky. Kind regards

adam25185's picture
I can recommend coaching with

I can recommend coaching with PBogz. It costs $70/hr, but it's well worth it to get the best advice... you don't want to be uncertain about what you're learning. I don't think videos are going to cut it! :)



Badeend's picture
Tnx! I send him a mail!

Tnx! I send him a mail!