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si3g3l's picture
calculate the difference EV between the EV push and EV limp

hi everybody

My question is :  how can be determinate what's the best beetween the EV push and EV limp (in expresso/ HU)

have we a logiciel or can make that with our caculate ? 



adam25185's picture
The EV of shoving can be

The EV of shoving can be calculated by giving villain a calling range in software, or just assuming he calls according to the Nash chart.

The EV of limping is not easily determined, and will vary from player to player, villain to villain. This is because it depends on how often villian jams over limps, and how he plays in limped pots, as well as how we play the limped pots. There are too many variables to calculate it in CoffeeCalcs, certainly.

My personal advice would be to always use push/fold below 8bbs, and to limp about 75% of your range between 8-25bbs and then adjust based on how villain plays. I probably wouldn't minraise at all below about 15bbs, except as a trap if villain always shoves over minraises at this depth.

Hope this helps

si3g3l's picture

thanks for your answer


i have an example when you are in HU your are SB with T8o 12bb effectif stack 

normally you push this hand but the others are they better ?

but if i understand your think process , it's depend firstly about your opponent 

adam25185's picture
T8o should be limped vs a

T8o should be limped vs a rec, or really anyone who isn't shoving super super wide. If someone is isolating with nearly any two cards... open push.

Otherwise limp this hand down to 10bbs at least.