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CrazyChemist's picture
15 HT - flushdraw on paired board vs. smal raise

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNHero460  BBjagdkommando540  Effective Stacks: 23bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to 40, jagdkommando calls 20   Flop (80, 2 players) jagdkommando checks, Hero bets 30, jagdkommando raises to 80, Hero calls 50   Turn (240, 2 players) jagdkommando bets 120, Hero folds   Final Pot: 360 jagdkommando wins 360 ( won +120 ) Hero lost -120 Firstly, I'd like to say hi from Czech republic to all fellow grinders, because this is my first post :)So I played this hand today and I'm a bit unsure. I discussed this hand with my friends, two of them said, that they would play it the same way as I did and other two said, that they would 3bet jam on flop. I personally don't like the idea of going all-in for 23bb readless. However, there might be a lot of air because of villain's small raise. What do you think?Thanks 

nekrogovner's picture
Its very likely for villain

Its very likely for villain to do this with J and 2, but also with an overcard. Flatted pocketpairs are also viable but unlikely option. Since you have weak flush draw your line is good. But, if you had fd accompanied with at least one overcard, I'd most likely shove.

Il Monk's picture
Bet flop bigger 1/2 size pot,

Bet flop bigger 1/2 size pot, turn is fine. 

longjohn's picture
I like your bet size on the flop

I like your bet size on the flop I just read mersennearys book and have been trying this sort of bet size on this sort of flop and it seems to be working pretty well, the majority of the time your going to be bluffing this flop so why bet bigger if you can get away with a smaller size a lot of the time?

Barewire's picture
I like the flop sizing and I

I like the flop sizing and I would jam over his c/r. We have a big draw and he should have quite a few bluffs that are going to fold here, definitely enough equity imo. If we don't jam because we think he's strong here or have some kind of read, we should call the turn. We're getting almost an immediate price to peel and there's still 200 chips or so behind to win when we make a flush.

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