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usedstars's picture
$15 Turbo curious on river sizings

This is a hand i am doing for a hh review. Villain is TAG, been raising most buttons so far, folding most of the time on the bb. The 2 times hero has called fromthe bb, villain cbet both flops to which hero folded one and called one. the hand that hero called, villain checked back turn and folded river.PokerStars - $14.39+$0.61|15/30 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 playersHand converted by PokerTracker 3SB: 1,340.00Hero (BB): 1,660.00SB posts SB 15.00, Hero posts BB 30.00Pre Flop: (45.00) Hero has 2 ASB raises to 75.00, Hero calls 45.00Flop: (150.00, 2 players) A 4 THero checks, SB bets 90.00, Hero calls 90.00Turn: (330.00, 2 players) 4Hero checks, SB checksRiver: (330.00, 2 players) 5Hero checks,I feel like our hand is basically a bluffcatcher and checking is the best option. I'm curious what to do if villain bets:a. 150b. 250c. 350if there is any difference at all? Just a scenario that has been going through my head after i reviewed the hand (hero actually lead river, which i thought was a mistake, if you think differently please let me know your reasoning please)

nekrogovner's picture
I doubt that villain would

I doubt that villain would check the turn with 4 or an A, and possibly a good flush draw (unless he is passive), so checking river from hero's point of view just seems bad, because you will let villain dictate the bet size, and also allow any of his showdown value hands get there cheap (like flopped ten, pocket pairs...). Bet/folding river for 1/2 pot size or so seems like best option, since he can only raise you with 4, flushes and maaaaaybe strong Aces.As for what to do if you check back river I wouldn't really know. Some villains will bet value hands and bluffs big, which is reasonable (especially with value hands) because its really hard to fold an Ace there, and thats the most likely hand villain will get paid off with. Others will bet value hands small, in hope to get a call from T's, Kx, random pocket pairs, etc. I wouldn't jump to conclusions readless, but I'd prolly call of a smaller bet if I go with this line.

Barewire's picture
I'd probably call 150 and

I'd probably call 150 and fold to the other two bet sizes if we check, I don't expect a huge bet here on the river from his suicide bluffs and he can certainly show up with all the flushes or a straight. I agree though that we should lead the river for value instead of checking, there aren't a lot of regs who bluff by bet/check/betting so you're better off trying to get a call from the Tx or 77 type hands that will showdown. I'd bet like 180-200.

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