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SankJu's picture
2 pair limped pot

I only played a few hands with this guy. HE was limping a lot and wasnt stabing, so I thought leading was fine. After I got raised I didn't know weather to shove or to minraise to induce or get some value out of weaker hands. What would you do?

(for some reason the layout of my hand histories is a bit wierd, but I dont know why...)

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players
Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter


Effective Stacks: 11bb
Blinds 20/40 Pre-Flop (60, 2 players)
Hero is BB

Player2 calls 20, Hero checks

Flop (80, 2 players)

Hero bets 40, Player2 raises to 120, Hero raises to 200, Player2 calls 80

Turn (480, 2 players)

Hero bets 315, Player2 calls 205

River (890, 2 players)

Final Pot: 890
Hero shows

Player2 shows

Player2 wins 890 ( won +445 )
Hero lost -335

Micici's picture
Def shove. Your not inducing

Def shove. Your not inducing anything with that click it back raise. Once vilain 3x raised your lead I would not expect to get many folds when we shove.