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longjohn's picture
2 pair on the turn

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNHero1185  BBsoloveyartem1815  Effective Stacks: 30bb Blinds 20/40 Pre-Flop (60, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to 80, soloveyartem calls 40   Flop (160, 2 players) soloveyartem checks, Hero checks   Turn (160, 2 players) soloveyartem bets 120, Hero calls 120   River (400, 2 players) soloveyartem bets 200, Hero raises to 520, Have seen the villain both lead the flop with tp and also play it passively so I'm not sure if this effects his lead range on the turn, should I ever be rasing this turn when he donks to try and get value from Kx, FDs and straight draws? or am I just going to fold out most of his range and I would be better off just calling him and seeing if he will bet the river without any reads on this play? On the river will I only be getting value from Kx sometimes and then 6x and Flushes and if so should I just be jamming?   

Nossrep's picture
Do you have more info?

Does he call light and many streets or does he play fit or fold?The more info you give, the better analysis you will get.

ohly's picture
bet flop, raise turn,

bet flop, raise turn, especially with the read that he can donk out TP.

longjohn's picture
I didn't have that many reads on him yet

NossrepI didn't have that many reads on him yet the only read I had on him is that he sometimes leads tp on flop and sometimes plays it passive.ohlyyeah I agree with you that I should have bet the flop actually, but when you say raise the turn are you talking about as played  I should raise the turn?Thanks for the replies

RyPac13's picture
The turn as played I would

The turn as played I would probably raise just because you need to build a bigger pot for value, you have a super strong hand and his range can include hands you gain value from.In reality though, it's the flop play to be focused on, you shouldn't be checking back here with a strong 2nd pair against hardly any opponent I can dream up, so thinking about the turn scenario where you check back the flop is a little off topic.Cbet the flop, if he leads the turn you can definitely raise if you don't have super bluffy/aggro reads on him, and if he checks the turn (likely) then double barrel this baby.

elekamate's picture
The turn raise seems very

The turn raise seems very bluffy and confusing, the fact of the flop check behind.My HU coach told me that line is good to gain value from big hand on a dry board.And not to bluff this turn if flop has checked behind.

longjohn's picture
Yeah I think your right

Rypac13Yeah I think your right will try to make sure I do that in future so when do you think I should be checking behind here say I had 63o is that a better argument to check it back or do you still think I should be betting the flop?elekamateYeah I see what you mean, thanks. when you say not to bluff the turn do you mean not to bluff when he leads or not to bluff it even if he checks?