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nodeg's picture
$21 match. 3bet pot w/ tptk vs loose player.

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNPlayer31440 BBHero1560  Effective Stacks: 36bb Blinds 20/40 Pre-Flop (60, 2 players) Hero is BB Player3 calls 20, Hero raises to 160, Player3 calls 120   Flop (320, 2 players) Hero bets 160, Player3 calls 160   Turn (640, 2 players) Hero bets 320, Player3 calls 320   River (1280, 2 players) Hero bets 920, Player3 calls 800   Final Pot: 3000  Villain is a losing player that calls 3bets pretty lite.  looking for advice on bet-sizing, and my river shove. 

n00b's picture
is he weak postflop? is he

is he weak postflop? is he playing hit or miss? is he a station? if he's playing hit or miss go ahead and bet more on the flop. either the ace scares him because he missed and will fold to any bet, or it hit him and he's calling.if he's a station i think the flop bet is ok. (had your top pair been the K, you could also make it bigger because the king is less terrifying than an ace to someone having middle pair). when he calls on the flop I'd put him on an ace or 10. possibly 8-9. if he has an ace he'd call a bigger bet on the turn. if he has a 10 or draw he might fold to a bigger bet, but I still prefer the bigger bet on the turn. the reason is if he calls wide preflop and calls the flop (not raise) with a 10 or draw he's probably fishing. in that case he will probably fold to a bet on the river, or stack you if he hits. so even though you only extract value from a 10 with a smaller bet you are risking to loose a huge pot if he hits the river and have him fold to a bet if he doesn't hit. generally when i raise oop i play the hand fast and with big bets (3/4 - potsize). the exception is if the flop is completely hopeless sometimes i will just check/fold or if i flop set+ on non-action boards i will slowplay or let villain catch up a bit. so, what did he hit? J-10 or 8-9? not KQ??

nodeg's picture
He had 33.  You think I

He had 33. You think I should bet bigger on the flop?  I guess I can see that since his 3bet calling range has a lot of aces.  I'm not sure if he'd call 3/4 with a hand like 33 though, which would be unfortunate. He's pretty loose, but calling the turn bet means he has a hand or maybe a primary draw.  The river really lost me.  I think I was pretty much committed with my tptk in a pot this big. I like the idea of a bigger bet on the turn.  Really the 3c doesn't change much(well it does in this case, but still), so if he calls on the flop he could be calling the turn too. 

n00b's picture
I did not see that coming.

I did not see that coming. you folded out 33 when you bet the flop, this guy must be an incorrigible station. (or seen you bluff a lot..) like I said, I think your flop bet is fine considering he's a station. suppose you knew he had an underpair, then with him being a station your ½ pot bet is great :) there is obviously no way you are getting away from this :(

JSpazz's picture
Looks completely fine to me

Looks completely fine to me except I might make it 3x pre or a little bigger on turn. You should be ahead a plenty, no need to slow down or fold. BTW pre isn't a 3bet, it's just a raise coz he limped, not openraised

mjw006's picture
4x is excessive pre. def make

4x is excessive pre. def make it 3x.rest is fine def barrelling it off.