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happyham's picture
$30 reg speed vs thinking reg - should I have barreled?

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 PlayersAxolotyl Room - Heads Up, 47669859 Buy-In: $30+$1.50 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBVillain1550  BTNHero1420  Effective Stacks: 71bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero raises to 40, Villain calls 20 Flop (90, 2 players)   VillIain checks, Hero bets 40, Villain calls 40   Turn (170, 2 players) Villain checks, Hero checks   River (170, 2 players)   Villain checks, Hero checks   Villain wins 160 ( won +80 ) Hero lost -80 Whenever I convert a HH using the HUSNG converter, it doesn't display what my hand was.  It was Kh 5s.  Villain had Kd Th.  Opponent plays about 55% of hands out of position, and only folds to about 25% of cbets (based on stats from 3 previous games).  I had not cbet a couple of boards in this game where it was obvious it would hit his flatting range.  He had fired out turns and I had folded with hands like 7 high. This I think is important because it makes my cbet look stronger on the flop, possibly :P Once he flats, I didn't put him on a flush draw, but I did think he could have a weak ace (I think he would 3 bet a strong ace pre), or maybe 7x with a low flush draw?  Either way, I thought I couldnt get him off the hand on the turn.  I also thought by checking, if a heart did come on the river I was going to get good value because he might think I double barrel my strong flush draw. When the river came and he checks, again I couldn't bring myself to fire.  I didn't think an 8 was part of his range, but I also didn't think I could rep it that well.  He isn't an idiot.    Did I play this hand like a weak biscuit or was this OK? 

nekrogovner's picture
Weak I would say. Cbetting

Weak I would say. Cbetting turn for value, because, since villain floats a bunch you will probably be able to extract a decent amount of value from weaker flushes if your river a heart. You might also fold out lots of his non-heart floats on turn, like Q7, 65, etc

happyham's picture
Cbetting for value? 

Cbetting for value?  Interesting.  I thought I would be cbetting as a bluff?  Villain check raises probably around 25%, and then flats / floats the rest.  I guess I haven't seen him flat top pair much, but I know its something I would do.  If I had Ace-rag here I would actually flat this flop against someone (myself) who had only c bet 60% of flops.  Maybe thats bad also?  Lol. I can see him calling 7x without heart, but not 6x without heart.  I think he would fold because 6x without heart wouldnt be able to stand up to a bet on the turn.     

http://happyham1986.blogspot.com/ - Please support/follow my journey through the levels in HUSNG.

nekrogovner's picture
Yes, apologies. I probably

Yes, apologies. I probably shouldn't call this a value bet unless I'm certain I'm getting called by quite weak range on turn. I don't dislike your line, T is quite scary card because it hits lots of villains range, but I prefer to be more aggressive there.

dhcg86's picture
played it fine. I dont think

played it fine. I dont think monotone boards are the best places to devolp FPS

Byzantine's picture
I'd bet like 60 on the flop,

I'd bet like 60 on the flop, on the turn I think it's a great place to double barrel. If he's only folding to 25% of cbet he has so many random garbage hands in his range that you'll get a lot of folds. And like Nekro said, he's going to be calling with a ton of worse hearts.I bet 60 OTF, and then like 150 into 210 on the turn. If he calls turn and your draw doesn't hit  I'm usually giving up in this spot. But you always have the option of bluffing the river if you think his range is sufficently weak.Also I think one of the reasons he's only folding to 25% of cbets could be that you're not barreling the turn enough. Do you usually cbet dry flops/ flops where you have equity, and then give up on the turn?

happyham's picture
I think the main reason he is

I think the main reason he is not folding to many C bets is because he is only playing about half his hands OOP. If he was folding to 50% C bets, I would think that he is playing far too weak.  He is a winning regular at these limits, and I'm guessing that most winning regulars fold to less than 35% of C bets?  I could be wrong.  I know that I maybe fold to 25% of C bets when I call OOP against a wide opener. I definitely don't barrel enough though.  You are right.  It only takes me getting caught once with a triple barrel to get shy and conservative.  I barrel whenever I feel that the board texture has changed enough (2nd pair becomes 3rd pair on the turn etc), to warrant doing so.  I guess there's an argument that this could be one of those occasions, but bleh I dunno.  If I had 7x with a heart, I wouldn't be folding to a double barrel on the T turn.  It would take a triple barrel if I was facing a competent player, which I assume is his perception of me.  Once again though, maybe thats because I'm a station :P  I do like the way you suggested to play it.  I would probably do the same if I had to replay the hand. 

http://happyham1986.blogspot.com/ - Please support/follow my journey through the levels in HUSNG.

nekrogovner's picture
Oh wait, now I see something.

Oh wait, now I see something. Why is pot 90 on flop? Should be 80. :D

happyham's picture
Lol!  Ha, I dunno why that

Lol!  Ha, I dunno why that is.  I have a terrible time trying to convert hand histories from the Merge network.  Seems that something is wrong everytime.

http://happyham1986.blogspot.com/ - Please support/follow my journey through the levels in HUSNG.