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chaosad's picture
$30 turbo AJo 3bet pot

28 handsSBVPIP 43 R 36 L 7BBVPIP 60 C 40 3b 20 (10)   |   cbet 100% (2) | 2b 100% (2)what is the best line with tp and good kicker and 2nd nutflush draw against this kind of player  No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBVillain1425  BTNHero1575  Effective Stacks: 48bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to 60, Villain raises to 180, Hero calls 120 Flop (360, 2 players)   Villainbets 210, Hero calls 210 Turn (780, 2 players)   Villain bets 360, Hero ???

grrgrrbla's picture
i would just jam flop, make

i would just jam flop, make it look like just a draw and let him call off with kq or kcx at or other ax, you don't want the turn to be a club and scareof his worse madehands if you are behind you got some outs with your Jc but mostly you are ahead, alternatively if he's really barrelhappy with any club just calldown

AA_Jaded_AA's picture
call for wait a 3rd barrel

call for wait a 3rd barrel isn't good?

Jenson Button, he's always IP.

Il Monk's picture
I call turn 

I call turn 

dhcg86's picture
ez shove on flop or turn

ez shove on flop or turn

Barewire's picture
I'd probably raise the flop

I'd probably raise the flop and I'd definitely jam the turn, we don't want him c/f at some point when his good equity bluffs miss and this isn't exactly a great spot to be bluffing so I doubt he has total air

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TwistedFantasy's picture
I don't think him betting

I don't think him betting this turn leaves any question if he's going to stack off here. Jam or call Turn/call River depends on my mood ;p