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CerchioInterno's picture
30bb play vs station

25/5030bb deepHero with AhTh raises to 100Villain callsFlop Ts 9d 8dVillain checks Villain is quite a station, won't raise flop even with the straight but will call with at least any gutshot. If Hero displays weakness on a scary turn we can see Villain donk bet river for a good amount (close to pot).Betting flop seem quite an easy decision to me, but I'm pretty lost on many turn cards, so I'm starting to consider checking behind flop to bet on safe turns or simply checkdown the hand.Am I on the right path?If Villain was a loose aggressive player what would be your plan, instead?

breakroomgrinder's picture
Bet this flop and get it in

Bet this flop and get it in vs almost anyone.  Tons of value to be had here.  This is one I would bet 150 instead of my usual 100.

CerchioInterno's picture
Betting to get it in on the

Betting to get it in on the flop is almost impossible with this opponent (much easier with an aggressive one...).My reasoning to search a different line goes like this:Betting 150 leaves us with 1250 behind, a pot of 500 and "flipping" to get a non scary turn to bet big, and if Villain raises non scary turn we're not in good shape. Something I'm missing (Obviusly I'm not that good of a player)?

Boulases's picture
Black Zone ... ( some spot

Black Zone ... ( some spot are just so complexe , is so hard to be 100 % sure of the good play )  I guess you need to make some pot control on scary turn ... 

Pchelkin R's picture
i dont see how we can not bet

i dont see how we can not bet the flop, also bet the safe cards on turn and make him pay


about3fiddy's picture
I would cbet this flop, so we

I would cbet this flop, so we get value from Jx, Tx, 9x, 8x, 7x and diamonds. This will make up for the times he calls with QJ, J7, 76, T9, T8 and 98.If a low diamond hits the turn, I would probably continue v-betting, and check down the river.If a high diamond hits, I would probably check the turn, intending to call most non-scary rivers as a bluffcatch (this really depends on your reads on Villain reaction to your turn check).If a J or 7 hits, I don't see the value in v-betting turn, and in most cases i probably fold the river if Villain bets big.The problem with not v-betting the flop, is that you are lost on most turns, and is it probably easier to get to showdown if your keep your aggression high on the flop.Against an LA I would c-bet/jam flop. If he calls the flop, turn is going to be dependent on particular reads.

RyPac13's picture
Definitely try to separate

Definitely try to separate the potential tough turn decision from the (in this case clear) flop cbet.In this case, you just lose too much value against a station with this strong of a hand not to cbet the flop, even if it would make your turn decision more clear or easy or limit your losses (and I'm not even sure all those things are true).As for the turn, throw up some turn examples for everybody to debate and analyze, it'll make the discussion more focused and hopefully give you a more clear idea of what to expect in these situations (this is a fairly common situation, which means it's a great one for you to get feedback on and feel confident and comfortable that you're making the best play).