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Anzaker's picture
3.5 $ 2 street DB vs PostFlop Maniac

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBp-odésilets1805  BTNHero1195  Effective Stacks: 24bb Blinds 25/50 Pre-Flop (75, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to 100, p-odésilets calls 50 Flop (200, 2 players) p-odésilets bets 100, Hero calls 100 Turn (400, 2 players) p-odésilets bets 200, Hero calls 200 River (800, 2 players) p-odésilets bets 400, Hero folds Final Pot: 1200 p-odésilets wins 1200 ( won +400 ) Hero lost -400 hi guys I think I make wrong line. I should raise on the Flop against  him. He DB 100 % Flops. Cbet a lo and 2 barrel a lot. PreF he is passive limp a lot and 3 bet lightly. Stuff like KTo. I think I should raise DB on the Flop. How you think? Cheers.

nekrogovner's picture
On board this awful giving up

On board this awful giving up turn is fine. As for the hand, if he calls way too much I would rather openshove then play it on flop vs him.

Nossrep's picture
Fine flop call...

on turn i give up. Even if hes on a draw, you not in that good shape. I'll probably shove pre, dealing with this kind of player.

longjohn's picture
I think you played it fine

I think you played it fine, if you expect him to 2 barrel then why raise him all you would do is lose a lot of value from bluffs that you think he would bet on the turn aswell, on the turn it is not a nice turn so I can see a fold, but it depends what you mean when you say he is 2 barreling a lot if it is like close to 100% or like 80% then I think you need to just close your eyes and call, but if he is not barreling as much as that then I agree with nekro and nossrep and you should fold the turn, on the river I think it is a clear fold.

Barewire's picture
I don't think I would fold

I don't think I would fold turn at this price, especially against someone who donk bets a lot it could be anywhere from a small mistake to a big one. As played of course we should fold but I wouldn't mind raising the flop for value at all, we're pretty damn far ahead of his range and at this stack depth we kinda want to get more money in before the river since we could reasonably stack off on the flop.

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