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Anzaker's picture
3.5 $ OverPot Dobk Bet on River

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero1610  BTNCheater961390  Effective Stacks: 70bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB Cheater96 calls 10, Hero checks Flop (40, 2 players) Hero checks, Cheater96 checks Turn (40, 2 players) Hero bets 40, Cheater96 calls 40 River (120, 2 players) Hero checks, Cheater96 bets 1330, Hero calls 1330 Final Pot: 2780 Hero shows Cheater96 shows Cheater96 wins 2780 ( won +1390 ) Hero lost -1390Hi everyoneIn this hand I now that he min 3beting me 2xtimes in 15 hands. And limp a couple times. He look like passive man. So he lomp a lot and i check on the Flop, bacuase in his range are many good Jx and another hands. So my pla was x/c Flop, x Turn, x/c River. But he check the Flop so i value bet the Turn and on the River I got suprise (Overbeting Donk bet) so this look so weak. Maybe he had from time to time this 3x but most I think he have miss draw like A5 maybe som lov PP likr 55, 66. 87, 65 some lie this. Or I should wait for more read before I decide make move like this? Cherrs

nekrogovner's picture
If you think of him as a

If you think of him as a passive player, then how can you assume he is weak once he takes an aggressive action? Fold. You cant even beat a J with a decent kicker.

longjohn's picture
Yeah I agree

Yeah I agree with nekro I think at this level you will hardly see any players jamming the river light or as a bluff like this, let alone someone who you think is passive it's pretty much always going to be a fold.