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Anzaker's picture
3.5$ vs 3 street of minibet. River shove vs LP

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNaskimosu1740  BBHero1260  Effective Stacks: 42bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is BB askimosu raises to 84, Hero calls 54 Flop (168, 2 players) Hero checks, askimosu bets 60, Hero calls 60 Turn (288, 2 players) Hero checks, askimosu bets 120, Hero calls 120 River (528, 2 players) Hero checks, askimosu bets 180, Hero goes all-in 996, askimosu folds Final Pot: 1704 Hero wins 1704 ( won +444 ) askimosu lost -444Hi.So i decide to call this Flop because of Villan minibet. He can to it with many draws, pair+draw maybe some Overcards. So i decide call this tinny c-bet. On the Turn 4 change almost nothing (open flushdraw). So he decide to 2nd barell again less than 1/2 so I was thinking ther to raise his baet. How you think this option will be good? Or better to fold? Or falt call. Id ecide to call Turn bet and Jam on the safe River vs His small bet. So i think on the River his range lokk loke 7x+draw ,8x+draw, Maybe QJ, 88, KJ+, Something like this stuff. So is ok to Jam the River? Need some adviceCheers. :)

RyPac13's picture
Why would you decide to shove

Why would you decide to shove vs that range? You're only folding out hands you beat, and giving value to any hands that might beat you (based on your range assumptions).He would have to thin value bet weak made hands that are still stronger than your hand (9x, weak Tx) AND you would have to feel good about him folding those hands quite often to a river shove for this to be the right play.I would likely call here on the river, though I can see a fold vs the right opponent.

Barewire's picture
Nice hand imo, I think he has

Nice hand imo, I think he has you beat a lot here with this bet sizing but he rarely has a huge hand. 

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