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Gusth's picture
3.50$ regular, good board to 3 barrel as bluff??

Villain playing loose-passive, just limping and calling my minraises, posflop we dont have a lot of shodown but he playing ok, dont appear to be a calling station. The board is good to 3 barrel?? Ty!Poker Stars $3.29+$0.21 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t20/t40 Blinds - 2 players DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter BB: t1785 44.62 BBs  Hero (BTN/SB): t1215 30.38 BBs  Pre Flop: (t60) Hero is BTN/SB with J 7 Hero raises to t80, BB calls t40 Flop: (t160) Q 8 2 (2 players) BB checks, Hero bets t100, BB calls t100 Turn: (t360) A (2 players) BB checks, Hero bets t220, BB calls t220 River: (t800) 9 (2 players) BB checks, ??? 

longjohn's picture
Do you have any reads on how

Do you have any reads on how he plays any types of hands e.g is he flatting draws or have you seen him raising them same for top pair, and have you seen him floating you at all yet?Without these reads and only knowing that he seems to be loose passive I don't think its best to try to 3 barrel bluff him here, when he calls the turn a lot of his range is going to be Qx and if he floats you there will be some Ax and I can see a loose passive player calling Qx on the river, there might be some 8x in his range but I think that would usually fold on the turn.