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elekamate's picture
38s plan

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$29.37+$0.63 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero520  SBGuga Anselmo480  Effective Stacks: 24bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB Guga Anselmo calls 10, Hero checks   Flop (40, 2 players) Hero checks, Guga Anselmo bets 20, Hero calls 20   Turn (80, 2 players) Hero checks, Guga Anselmo checks   River (80, 2 players) Hero bets 80, Guga Anselmo raises to 240, Hero goes all-in 480, Guga Anselmo goes all-in 200   Final Pot: 1000 Hero shows three of a kind, Eights Guga Anselmo shows a full house, Sixes full of Eights Guga Anselmo wins 960 ( won +480 ) Hero lost -480 Hi!what should i plan on the turn? Is the river bet/ call ok?My opponent is a random regular. 

nekrogovner's picture
Raise flop, he shouldn't have

Raise flop, he shouldn't have ace in his limping range. And if he just flats your raise bet/shove turn?

MastAAce08's picture
you played it fine until your

you played it fine until your last action.  you def shouldnt reshove after he raises the river.  bet calling is prob best.


ohly's picture
i like the line until river,

i like the line until river, he polarizes here, even moreso because Ax shouldn't be in his range for limping too much. that's why i would flat his raise.