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vherreral's picture
3b nai vs 3b ai with monsters facinf a 3x open

Vs a random player  that seems to be opening tight and 3x'ing, are we missing a bunch of value if we just 3b ai when >18bb wth Js+??, or do we often

miss value if we just 3b like 2.2x as villain will fold lots of flops??

hokiegreg's picture
What is Js+?  

What is Js+?


cdon3822's picture
Given context I assume

Given context I assume AA-JJ

Or else OP has a strange affinity for suited Jacks.


Expectation probably won't matter much this is the nut part of your preflop range so as long as you don't fold you won't be making a mistake.

I would err towards 3b jamming being better simply because 3x tends to signal a range which villain wants to get all in with and by 3b NAI you give him the opportunity to rethink that.

vherreral's picture
Yh my bad, I meant JJ+

Yh my bad, I meant JJ+