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PJharvey's picture
3b shove VS. flat

Its easy to look up if a 3bet shove is good against our opponents based on open and call range. But how do we know if it's better than a flat? It must depend on how good hero is postflop i guess, but how do we convert the bb/100 result for flatting to the EV number we get for 3bet shoving?

PJharvey's picture
Nobody knows?

Nobody knows?

Barrin's picture
Probably many players do

Probably many players do know, but simply don't care.
If you really wonna know...first you need to know the EV of a 3bet. After you know, you can compare it with your opponents cbet frequency, if he folds vs a check / raise, if he folds vs a stab and how he plays on the other streets. Now is where it gets ugly....if you never did flat preflop, you don't have those stats and therefore every decision you will make is not for sure a +EV move. Anyways....if f.e your opponent only cbet when he hits (~30%) and checks behind otherwise, hands which are drawing hands preflop get more valueable. If he checks behind when he misses the flop and folds to any stab, you can stab with pretty much everything. If he cbets alot, you have to 3bet for value with your strong hands.
Flatting is by no means the same as 3betting and it requires you to gain much more (and different) information.
