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maXX_CZ's picture
50 HU sng limp/shove

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero1655  BTNwuzl2342345  Effective Stacks: 55bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is BB wuzl234 calls 15, Hero raises to 120, wuzl234 goes all-in 2345, Hero calls 1535   Oponent did this 3rd time in a row i raised his limp. JQo wont be call for sure, but what is your calling range? Hes fish by SS, unknown so far, no history no metagame. Something like TT+ AK AQs?This is one of big deals for me, fish shoving 40bb+. 

dinamozg's picture
If he does that frequently i

If he does that frequently i would call him 77+, A8s+, A9+, KJ+

RyPac13's picture
If he's done this 3x in a row

If he's done this 3x in a row now, don't raise QJo without the intention to call, there's just not enough prospective value versus the fold equity you're offering if you're folding to his shove.Raising to 90 can be more viable as well.I would stick to a similar range as above, it can be widened if he continues to shove over your limp raises.  If he shows fold equity, raise some low card hands like 74s or 54 or 95s, stuff like that, for potential fold equity (and if he calls you have some deception, connectivity and sometimes suitedness to all draw on).