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adastfe's picture
50+2.5, C/R flop as a bluff, tough turn spot.

6 losses in a row at 50s today, so I think it's time for me to post some hands.

Villain is thinking, winning player. TAG: opens 90% OTB, cbets, tight OOP.

C/R flop because he was cbetting 100%, I have backdoor FD and 2 overs to floped MP and this is my first C/R -> decent amount of FE. I expect him to flat flop with weak Ax, 6x / 7x especially w backdoor draws, 45, 89, 58. I'm certain he would jam with any 2pair or better. What is the correct line on the turn with the information I had at that time? Can I b/c expecting to get shoved on by draws?
I didn't want to b/c so I checked. Have showdown value, best hand if he has 7x, 6x, 89. But the thing is - I wouldn't check that turn with Ax. If he knows that MAYBE he can vbet 9x on turn and shove river (if i call river with 9x we chop, if i fold he takes the pot). I folded river because at that time I didn't think he would bet turn and river with anything but Ax and 58 (7x is betting river, but I don't think it's betting turn). I expected him to check back turn with all of his draws. But if he knows that i don't have Ax maybe he can try to barrel me off my weak hand. So given all this information and how weak I look maybe i should call this river? Also, 45, spades missed. A lot of assumptions here :/ Frustrating spot. 

I think the biggest mistake was that I didn't think through what i would do on future streets. If I think he's not betting turn with draws and only with Ax, 58 then I should fold turn. Why call turn if I don't think he's betting worse hands. And If I called turn I should definitely call this river. At least that's what I think now. Would like to hear your thoughts.

Poker Stars $50.00+$2.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 2 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Hero (BB): t1510 75.50 BBs
BTN/SB: t1490 74.50 BBs

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is BB with 9 of spades Q of spades
BTN/SB raises to t60, Hero calls t40

Flop: (t120) 6 of clubs A of spades 7 of hearts(2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets t60, Hero raises to t180, BTN/SB calls t120

Turn: (t480) 9 of hearts(2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets t280, Hero calls t280

River: (t1040) 7 of diamonds(2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets t970 all in, BTN/SB says "have two pair", Hero folds

Final Pot: t1040
BTN/SB wins t1040

MrRunsGoood's picture
Hey adasfe,First have you

Hey adasfe,First have you made it to sd taking a different line (c/c) with tp before (like you call oop w KT, flop is K59 and you c/c it down)?Anyways, I would probably barrel the turn (260 - 280ish) when we hit to get value from 7x, 6x, worse 9's, 8x and some other draws and then re-evaluate river. This leaves you with roughly a psb on the river and you can c/f, c/c, bet/f, push (depending on how the river comes and villains sizing ect) comfortably will 1000 left behind. As played I am folding river.

DonNew's picture
Yes like mrrunsgood think you

Yes like mrrunsgood think you should barrel the turn especially when "I expected him to check back turn with all of his draws." and if you think draws is large part of his c-raise-calling range (your 9 is however blocking out some of the drawing combos he could have). I think drawing hands could be a large part of his range here cause its your first c-raise which looks strong, so he could be out to stacking you with a straight draw.You want to charge his draws and not let him get free cards in these instances imo.