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Il Monk's picture
$5,21 [Turbo] KJ on AJ3 8 linecheck

Villain was a agressive player postflop, he bets alot and raises alot of dry and lowboards. But slowsdowwn mostly of the time on the turn, but here he takes his time and bets out smaller then have pot is my shove here fine? No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$5.00+$0.21 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero1520  SBBeeBuster1480  Effective Stacks: 19bb Blinds 40/80 Pre-Flop (120, 2 players) Hero is BB BeeBuster raises to 160, Hero calls 80 Flop (320, 2 players) Hero checks, BeeBuster bets 200, Hero calls 200 Turn (720, 2 players) Hero checks, BeeBuster bets 320, Hero goes all-in 1160 Final Pot: 2200

Il Monk's picture
Nobody??? Got a feeling or it

Nobody??? Got a feeling or it is good or bad? Or is the traffic on the site less during Black Friday>?

crstn's picture
From your description and

From your description and your action I suppose you put him exactly on one pair and FD or something like that.And imo that is to narrow of a range. I think calling and reevaluating River is your best option. If you think he bets againbecause he reads you as weak calling is best imo.  

Il Monk's picture
Okay, I make the call and the

Okay, I make the call and the river hits the flush we must fold to a bet right, and we need to check it down, right?But now the river comes it is a blank and he bets about 1/2 pot then we are commited and we need to call right?And I don't put him here on a pair and a Flushdraw, he can have a lower pair then Jx, a flushdraw, , Jx, a gutshot and also bottompair.

crstn's picture
I am by no way an authority

I am by no way an authority in HUSNGs, so don't take my advice as set in stone, but do you really think he 3-barrels without an A? I mean, if he does not have an A at some point he has to put you on a strong hand, so I think you have to fold to every decent river bet. I doubt he will bet the river with a lower pair then Jx because there is really really no reason for him to bet 

Il Monk's picture
So if I need to fold alot off

So if I need to fold alot off rivers then it is better for me to fold the turn, right? Cause then I don't need to pay those extra 320 chips? But the intence about the goes for my particalury about his turn play like  he takes his time and then bet out very small.

crstn's picture
I think a call on the turn is

I think a call on the turn is ok nevertheless, because he will check behind a ton on the river. His time tell can mean so many different things that you have to look for a pattern. I played against opponents that took time on the turn, because their hand improved to a monster, and not because they were weak. So unless you don't know WHY exactly they took time you can't read nothing out of that imo.But now I shut up and hope a third one has an idea to this hand  

happy's picture
agree with calling turn not

agree with calling turn not getting value from worse by jamming

mersenneary's picture
I think 3bet/calling is best

I think 3bet/calling is best preflop assuming he's not opening too tight of a range.

about3fiddy's picture
If you are having a hard time

If you are having a hard time dealing with Villian postflop aggression, I would rather shove this preflop, if he has a high% button opening range.The 8c on the turn is really not a good bluffcard. Combined with the fact that Villian tend to slow down on turns, I don't like a jam here. You fold out all of his air and all his better hands will call. I'm leaning towards a fold, even do calling turn and reevalute maybe isn't too bad.But shitty stacksizes to play a middlepair great kicker against an aggro villian. Shove preflop!