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lovelydonk's picture
55 (20bb deep)

u hold 55 u have 20 BB left , and u are on the SBwould u shove to double up knowing ur opponet will call 80% of the time ...also knowing if played normaly ur cbet would be called or reshoved 90% of the time.tx for ur answers.

wabomushroom's picture
If he calls a shove 80% then

If he calls a shove 80% then shiiiip it or go play full ring fixed-limit :)Ok, I'll be seious in case you don't understand sarcasm. Hand 0: 43.215% 42.62% 00.60% 4260293364 59657640.00 { 22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q2s+, J2s+, T2s+, 92s+, 82s+, 73s+, 62s+, 52s+, 43s, A2o+, K2o+, Q2o+, J3o+, T5o+, 95o+, 85o+, 75o+, 65o, 54o }Hand 1: 56.785% 56.19% 00.60% 5616822108 59657640.00 { 55 } Poker stove says you have 56.8% equity if he calls 80%, so it should be an easy push.