No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$6 + $0.25 Heads Up Sit & Go Hand converted by the official hand converter BBHero1545 SBVillain1455 Effective Stacks: 49bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is BB Villain raises to 90, Hero calls 60 Flop (180, 2 players) Hero checks, Villain checks Turn (180, 2 players) Hero bets 110, Villain calls 110 River (400, 2 players) Hero checks, Villain bets 300, Hero ??? Hi all, villain is opening a very wide range on the button and cbetting as standard. I opt to check/call the flop here which i'm not too worried about, my biggest concerns come on the turn and river.Is a leadout on the blank turn standard? I want to get some value from my 8/top kicker since I think he has to bet a 10 on the flop. Slow playing a straight is possible but he would normally lead out with this and I really don't give him credit for mixing up his game, he's made some pretty spewy plays. On the river I opted to check because it's such a thin value bet, not that many hands will be calling me, and it gives the chance for missed draws to bluff at the pot. I am not sure if a blocking bet would have been optimal here or not.Thoughts?
I'm pretty sure he would have cbet a T on this board, and might have checked back a 7 or 8, which I think would make a river value bet a pretty good play, because he will call you with said 7 or 8.I'm so tempted to call on this river, although I'm pretty sure I would fold. Maybe he had like 22 or 72?
On reflection lots of 7, 8s and 3s can call me on that river and if raised it's pretty easy to get away from since i bet the turn, i doubt he'd be raising it as a bluff.
I'd probably opt to call personally, expecting mostly air here. The check on the flop is ok since you expected him to cbet, I like the lead on the turn but I think I would have fired another barrel on the river, perhaps 225-250. I think villian is betting any paired hand on the flop so I honestly think that you're seeing a lot of 9x in this spot, he calls turn for the draw, misses the river, but you check leaving him an opportunity to still take the pot down. Hopefully a coach comments in with their thoughts.
Well, the hands that beat you are any 10, which he isn't likely to be checking on the flop. Two pair, which if he's opening very wide are(?) in his range but again unlikely unless it was 32 because he would have likely cbet any flop he paired. A flopped straight, and from your read you're saying he wouldn't mix up his game and play it so passively to the river. 56, any 9, any J, any 2 hearts, 22 are the other hands in his range here that could be calling the turn thinking they are either ahead (22) or will river a winner. I would put him on one of two things here when he bets the river big like that, a flush or complete air. If villian has been bluffy or doing this type of thing a lot then I'm likely to call this bet and if he's got me beat, whatever it was he had, i'll make note of how he played it (calling with 22 with 4 overcards and 3 to a straight, calling more than 1/2 pot with a flush draw gutshot or open ender, betting big on river after missing or hitting).