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tamamo's picture
$7-$15hyper 10-15bb readless openshove
$7-$15hyper 10-15bb readless openshove.
What range is assumed?
I have so far done the call tighter than Nash. 
My avr All-inEQ 10-15bb BB is about 60%. 
Is too high obviously.
How does the range expand? 
against mainly small Ax&PP&SCrange,
I think that it is better to give priority over offsuitsHighcards to the middle SC, such as T9s98s. 
cdon3822's picture
Range with enough equity

@ 15BB you need 47% equity to call open jam
@ 10BB you need 45% equity to call open jam
Against range of Ax <= A7 & PP <= 99: [Ax7x-Ax2x,Ax7y-Ax2y,99-22]
Range with >= 47% equity = [AA-33,AK-A7,Ax6x-Ax5x,QxJx-QxTx,JxTx-Jx9x,Tx9x,9x8x]
Range with >= 45% equity = [AA-33,AK-A6,QT,JT,T9,Ax5x,KxQx-Kx9x,QxJx-Qx9x,Jx9x-Jx8x,Tx8x,9x8x]