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kook's picture
7$ HU hyper- turbo

VPIP 97 PFR 17 PF 3-bet 10 (28 hands)  so we are dealing with quite loose-passive player but I don't know if there are odds to make this call cause he definetly has made hand there or pair + fulshdraw or smtn really good. I folded cause I tought he might already have straight or cover too many of my outs too often and with only flush draw it's not +EV call there i think. Maybe I should have pushed on flop or smth? Blinds 10/20Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 40, chrisgwinner calls 20    Flop (80, 2 players) chrisgwinner bets 60, Hero calls 60    Turn (200, 2 players) chrisgwinner goes all-in 430, Hero folds    Final Pot: 630 chrisgwinner wins 630 ( won +100 ) Hero lost -100   

RyPac13's picture
Good hand, I'd play it the

Good hand, I'd play it the same way vs a fairly passive opponent.You don't have the equity vs a legitimate range to call the turn, but your flop call looks fine.

kook's picture
Yep, thanks for your

Yep, thanks for your response.