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DadaBR's picture
$7 HU Turbo Speed

Hi guys,this villan its very agressive, he call´s I think all my raises oop, and donk or c/r... (11 hands only in this match)So I get 22, I know 22 dont play very well pós-flop vs this guys, so I shove  No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$6.71+$0.29 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBlfolfo1780  SBHero1220  Effective Stacks: 41bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero goes all-in 1220, lfolfo calls 1190 Flop (2440, 2 players, 1 all-in) Turn (2440, 2 players, 1 all-in) River (2440, 2 players, 1 all-in) Final Pot: 2440 lfolfo shows a pair of Aces Hero shows a pair of Deuces lfolfo wins 2440 ( won +1220 ) Hero lost -1220

livinglifeHIGH's picture
41bb open shove 22? bad.

41bb open shove 22? bad.

Barewire's picture
I understand being concerned

I understand being concerned that you're not going to win many pots when you minraise and he calls, so your goal here should be to make the stack to pot ratio as large as possible, giving yourself a chance to win a big pot when you make a set relative to how much you lose when you fold postflop. If you think that minraising doesn't accomplish this and that you literally never win the pot without a set, just limp and fold if he raises too large to peel. Open jamming is going to be bad for the most part when you're deeper than like 25bb (rough guess, don't quote me) with your small pairs. 

Check out my blog (Updated 4/10) and my coaching page!

nekrogovner's picture
I'd open shove 22 (and 33),

I'd open shove 22 (and 33), 15bb deep or less. Against a maniac who dares to call shoves extra wide, I'd most likely fold them even then. 40bb deep, limp, and setmine if its super cheap.

Barewire's picture
You should never fold 22 at

You should never fold 22 at 15bb, no matter who you're playing you can jam and show a profit. Reference the skalansky chubukov numbers to know when a hand would be profitable to shove even if villain knew your cards.

Check out my blog (Updated 4/10) and my coaching page!