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deanster's picture
$7 Hyper Turbo 1st hand v unknown obvious river fold?

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$6.85+$0.15 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero500  BBExcellent21500  Effective Stacks: 25bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 40, Excellent21 calls 20   Flop (80, 2 players) Excellent21 checks, Hero bets 40, Excellent21 raises to 80, Hero calls 40   Turn (240, 2 players) Excellent21 bets 80, Hero calls 80   River (400, 2 players)  Excellent21 bets 180I have to fold here right?Should I have folded earlier?Thanks in advance!

STP1923's picture
I'm very confused about his

I'm very confused about his turn bet there, 1/3  after c/min raising flop.  I think usually the tp there will bet more on often higher than 2/3 so he looks like he even has the nuts or he is drawing. The river completesthe straight with a 5 and the only hand i imagine is 58(maybe of spades). It's a weird spot but IMO if you got there youu should call the river, you mustbe right less than 1/3 to be profitable.BTW, FOLD the flop..why are you calling that?!

nekrogovner's picture
Fold flop. Or you could shove

Fold flop. Or you could shove over because long time ago flop minraises in superturbos were often bluffs. But then, not so long ago some villains decided this is a good way to rep bluff so they did this more often with value hands because they expected to be shoved over often. :PAs played I'm most likely shipping it on turn or calling river. Not too happy about it but I see a million of draws there.

happyham's picture
I would fold the flop.  You

I would fold the flop.  You have no real way to win the hand besides hitting a 6 outer (of which a spade will not be good *some of the time*), or risking a large % of your stack bluffing on a semi-wet board. As played I can't say much as I don't play hypers.  I assume there are a ton of smaller bet sizes made in these games both as value and bluff?  On face value, I would call turn fold river.  That however seems a terrible line, lol. 

http://happyham1986.blogspot.com/ - Please support/follow my journey through the levels in HUSNG.

deanster's picture
STP1923, nekrogovner and happyham

Fold the flop. Thanks guys!If he had riased more I would definitely have folded the flop but the pot odds seemed too inviting. Then his small bet on the turn after I hit a 7 and then by the river I've got 200 of my chips in the pot facing a bet that will leave me with only 6 big blinds. So I fold the flop and avoid getting drawn into such situations. Cheers!

happyham's picture
Its real nit picky but I just

Its real nit picky but I just wanted to say that even though the pot odds seem too inviting, they are still not good enough to call. Assuming you can only win with 6 outs (7 might not even be good), you have around 12% hand equity if just seeing the turn card. You need to call 40 chips into a pot 200.  This means he is offering 16% pot equity if just seeing the turn card. If you had 16% hand equity, it would be a break even play.  Its fair to assume you might be able to get *some* extra value (not very much though) on later streets, so calling with 16% hand equity would be +EV in my opinion.  12% however is just not enough.  I'm still learning to get comfortable using math to articulate my thoughts (I'm not a natural numbers person), so feel free to correct my comments if they are wrong :) 

http://happyham1986.blogspot.com/ - Please support/follow my journey through the levels in HUSNG.

crstn's picture
^ agree I would call this

^ agreeI would call this with an added backdoor flush draw, but fold flop on this board

deanster's picture
Thanks happyham and crstn

First few goes at posting on a poker forum for me so really appreciate the advice.Yes agree about the pot odds though I thought it also possible he could be bluffing so if I call and he doesn't follow up on the turn I would bet the turn. But if he does bet I would fold but then I hit a 7 and his bet was small so I called it and ended up in a tough spot.I think I've probably got a thing about not wanting the villain to think he can easily knock me off the flop with a min raise.Thanks again for your analysis.