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errorpoker's picture
$7 Hyper - Two tricky spots with QQ

Both hands are against different opponents. And on both hands I was readless.

On This hand I think it's totally standard before the river and my question is that should I call on the river? Is population bluffing here enough that I should call this?

PokerStars - $6.85+$0.15|10/20 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players

BB: 530

Hero (SB): 470

Hero posts SB 10, BB posts BB 20

Pre Flop: (pot: 30) Hero has Q Q 

Hero raises to 40BB calls 20

Flop: (80, 2 players) 2 9 8 

BB checks, Hero bets 40BB calls 40

Turn: (160, 2 players) 6 

BB checks, Hero bets 80BB calls 80

River: (320, 2 players) 8 

BB bets 120Hero?


Should I bet the flop, should I cbet turn, should I call the turn shove? What do you guys think is the best line in this hand?

PokerStars - $6.85+$0.15|10/20 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players

BB: 700

Hero (SB): 300

Hero posts SB 10, BB posts BB 20

Pre Flop: (pot: 30) Hero has Q Q 

Hero raises to 40BB calls 20

Flop: (80, 2 players) 5 5 A 

BB checks, Hero bets 40BB calls 40

Turn: (160, 2 players) 8 

BB checks, Hero bets 80BB raises to 620 and is all-inHero calls 140 and is all-in

maddog's picture
Hi,I think the first hand is

I think the first hand is an easy call.Most villians let us know on the turn if they hit a straight with two flushdraws on the board. You have to call 120 to win a 440 pot, so you only have to be right (120/440)*100=27% of the time to make this call profitable, and most likely he has some kind of two pair combination, He can have an eight but i think most villain maybe bet bigger with a set, and if they hit a straight on the turn and they slowplay and  only check/call, it makes no sense to donkbet on the river, they would check/raise allin.
i fold the second one. Villains most likely holding is an Ace or a five, I doubt he check raises flushdraws, because most villains just check/call or donkshove flushdraws such shortstacked, and we only beat flushdraws,or eights(villain most likely would just check/call an eight here). I don't think that he can have pocket pairs here, because he would  jam preflop.

Zairex's picture
"You have to call 120 to win

"You have to call 120 to win a 440 pot, so you only have to be right (120/440)*100=27% of the time to make this call profitable"
- Actually it is 120 / (440 + 120) = 21%.
But yes, we have to be ahead so rarely, that it is super easy call. Bet is so small, that we don't even have to put him on a bluff, as he could be trying to block us with a showdown hand. But of course more he bluffs, better for us.

donkeee's picture
Playing Queens

First hand is in my mind predominantly a pot odds question
You need to call 120 and 440 is in pot  
BB bet 120  on rivers could be for value, a blocking bet, he may be betting an 8, however the main factor as mentioned is pot odds, and for me this is an easy call, you have an overpair and the hand is far too good to fold, especially with those pot odds.
Second hand is perhaps more complex.
I like the flop c bet
The turn brings a flush draw which he is unlikely to have (though possible) and after villain calls an ace is part of his range.
I would be inclined to check the turn as this looks to be like a way ahead/way behind scenario and it controls the pot reducing variance.  Also you  keep weaker parts of his range in the hand
I can see why you called the turn shove due to pot odds, and having only $140  most of your money has gone into pot  $160. 
Needless to say you are behind a significant part of his range when he shoves turn, but the call is not that bad, though a fold looks more optimal to me.
Summary, First hand easy call on river, determined by good pot odds, with a good hand.
Second hand, I don’t like the turn bet, much prefer a check back as it was a way ahead/behind scenario.  What does your turn bet accomplish?   Better hands are not folding and it opens up the betting for possible  unwanted action.   Checking turn manages the pot  and you can re-evaluate on the river.