I post this on 2+2 but I am not happy with answers so i tr it hereHi , can anyone explain to me why in nash push table 94s has that low number And other 4x suited is higher, 94s is there 6.9 and 84s is 10.1, 73s is 13.9and T4s is 10.5is this really only cos 84s has more str8 possibilites and T cos is Higer card???but and dont think so, cos in poker stove 94s has 1% more euity then 84s vs randomI try calculate equity vs more ranges e.g. 84s vs 50%, 94s vs 50% and vs 60% but still the result is very little more % for 94scan you tell me what i missing here???
It's about making an optimal shoving range, not just taking the strongest hands.For whatever specific reason, there are some hands that appear to be weaker that you are supposed to shove deeper than some stronger hands that you would fold at the same stacks. It's about the unexploitable balance, I believe.It likely has to do with how those hands match up against various calling ranges. Remember, the goal of NASH is not to give you the absolute best shoving or calling range, but to give you one that is unexploitable.NASH should be utilized as a reference for your strategy, not as your sole strategy. You can do better than NASH, as so many on 2p2 and here have mentioned. The SB chart isn't bad, you can often shove wider though. The BB chart is often looser than is best against many realistic opponents that you face, especially lower level ones.
It's the straight possibilities and being dominated less often. 10bb deep against the NASH calling range: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 64.295% 63.80% 00.50% 2066876176 16073580.00 { 22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q7s+, J8s+, T9s, A2o+, K5o+, Q9o+, JTo }Hand 1: 35.705% 35.21% 00.50% 1140655832 16073580.00 { 84s } equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 65.112% 64.57% 00.54% 2074319872 17246268.00 { 22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q7s+, J8s+, T9s, A2o+, K5o+, Q9o+, JTo }Hand 1: 34.888% 34.35% 00.54% 1103469896 17246268.00 { 94s }