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Th0r's picture
access denied on 1 Month Continuation ?

Hello, I got an access denied when I try to go on the 1 Month Continuation option, i don't understand why i can't access to this , if someone could explain me,Thank you.

RyPac13's picture
If your subscription expired

If your subscription expired within 2 weeks, you qualify for the continuation but would have to email us to set it up (you can always renew via the continuation with an active subscription, however).

Th0r's picture
My subscription expired

My subscription expired 4months ago, so I can use the continuation ? I did pay the same amount as I would've if my subscription ended 1 week ago no ? What makes that I can't 4 month later ? Thanks for your reply.

RyPac13's picture
Hi, The reason the 1 month is

Hi,The reason the 1 month is $120 is because we now have a very large library of videos (over 200 videos I believe) and a lot of people find they just prefer to download 200 videos, watch them for 5 months, and then resubscribe and download another 80-100 videos that they've missed for 5 months.So basically we want to reward members that stay here every month for the newest and latest heads up sng training videos and content.  We do that by giving members resubscribing the $65 renewal rate.Sometimes frequent members, for one reason or another (breaks, travel, downswing, bankroll, etc.) don't subscribe for a month or two.  We make it easier on them by offering the 3 month rate at $165, which is $55 a month.  We also have the standard membership which is a pretty good value, over 100 videos for $25 (3 months for $60) that should be affordable for any level heads up sng player. Let me know if that makes sense to you and if you have any other questions.