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Richard's picture
Adjusting to click backs

I recently started playing HUSNGs after playing MTTs for a living for a year. I am trying to spin up a bankroll from $30 as a challenge by playing HUSNGs on 888. I have been crushing the lower limits with a good ROI, but there's one type of opponent I am having issues with.
How do you guys adjust to people who click back your min-raises, then minbet lead out/station your raises? I find these types of opponents are really tough to play against. I have tried limping but usually they just minraise over my limp preflop. It's really tough to play without the betting lead. 4 bets get clicked back aswell a lot of the time by these type of players. My current strategy is to wait for a hand and let them click back my 4 bets, but premiums don't show up that often, even when I widen up my value range.

Barrin's picture
Valuetown them.

Valuetown them.


ka5321's picture
he's basically 3-betting u

he's basically 3-betting u light, and clicking back vs u........
u basically have to create a limp calling range: EX: TJ,9Ts,9Js... which is limp call..
Limp trap range:JJ+
Limp reraise range:AJs+,QKs,99-TT
Limp folding range:78o,56s
Minraise- 4-bet hand range: ATs+,88+,JKs,QKo,QKs... which is considered value range vs villain...
basically construct a hand range, thats slightly +EV vs villains click back range, and then ur basically playing theoretically sound, and allow poker gods to decide......
ur weighing each hand range based on how villain played his hands