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crstn's picture
AJo flops 2nd pair in a 3-bet pot. Full Tilt 5.25$

Villain is loose aggressive. This is our second game, he 3-bet me a lot, checkraised me a lot, lead a lot. He made life hard for me so I suppose his style was optimal vs me. What should I do with my hand a) pre-flop (4-bet or flatcall?), and on the flop.   $15.00/$30.00 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBVillain$1135.00  BTNHero$1865.00  Effective Stacks: 38bb Pre-Flop ($45.00, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to $60.00, Villain raises to $225.00, Hero calls $165.00 Flop ($450.00, 2 players) Villain bets $225.00, Hero goes all-in $1640.00, Villain calls $685.00 Final Pot: $2270.00  

MrRunsGoood's picture
From your description of

From your description of villain I think I would just 4bet/shove (given effective stacks). However, seems like you have some decent reads and wondering if you could expand on them. 3betting frequency? 3bet sizing (does villain usually 3bet this sizing, do they have different sizings)? What kind of hands has villain 3bet? Have you 4bet and how has villain responded. Also post flop - has villain seemed to overplay hands, get in light ect?

crstn's picture
He seemed to randomize his

He seemed to randomize his raise sizes (I saw him opening 2x, 3x and 3.5x). His 3-bets where between 3x-4x, sometimes he raised funny numbers. Problem was, although single tabling and paying attention, I could not interprete the sizes (if there was something to interprete). I was pretty carddead until this point and had to fold pre, fold after he checkraised my c-bets, fold after I called his minbets. In hindsight maybe I should 4-bet; but in the gameflow i somhow wanted to trap him (I know it sounds silly trying to trap someone in a 3-bet pot with AJo).And on the flop my thought process was, that this is a standard c-bet that he has to do with atc. Pot was already big, so I decided to shove for value 2nd pair top kicker. Value from what? Good question i don't know myself in hindsight

RyPac13's picture
I like 4betting preflop,

I like 4betting preflop, however, after the call (and while I would 4bet, you did have some reasons for calling, which is a very good thing to have in any situation, even one you're not entirely sure of) I would flat the flop vs this opponent.And I would probably call a turn shove too against this type of opponent, on many turn cards.  I'd expect him to be bluffing quite a lot postflop, and his range is probably fairly wide given he's an aggressive player and you haven't contested any 3bets so far.