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sir_lanka's picture
AKs first hand

First hand against unknown player (not a reg) at the 100 dollar level. Blinds 10/20, 3 minute levels, 2000 chips. We are bb with AKs, villain, riases to 60, I 3bet to 180, villain 4bets to 600. Is our only option to shove here, or can we flat?  Spoiler: I shoved and he called with JJ

happyham's picture
I would shove every single

I would shove every single time. Think about how many times you could flat and see horrid flops for AK, and then you check fold.  Against a completely unknown, there is every possibility he could shove the flop with any 2 cards. There is not much chance of him folding pre by the looks of things, so even more reason to get it in.  You'l be surprised how many times you might see him show up with KQ/A5/7J type hands here.  At least, I see that kinda stuff at the $30-50 level against unknowns with bad stats.   In the long run, you will make a lot more money shoving this spot, than flatting in my opinion. 

http://happyham1986.blogspot.com/ - Please support/follow my journey through the levels in HUSNG.

HU.TIME's picture
I agree, get it in now. He

I agree, get it in now. He has to call because he committed himself. Its certainly annoying if he shows up with a small pocket pair but you will also see hands that you dominate. Additionally, I nearly never expect him to show up with KK or AA here as you block both hands and he would probably make it smaller.

blueclcl's picture
i am only a newbie to husng,

i am only a newbie to husng, but i would probably fold to be honest. this is only the first hand, no reads and looks to me that he has a high pp mosty of the time the way he has played it.without any information on the villan then i would fold.

HU.TIME's picture
At the $100 level, that would

At the $100 level, that would probably be a bad decision. The games are far too aggressive to justify a hero fold mit AKs.

Ph33roX's picture
Get it in for sure.

Get it in for sure.

Melcoool's picture
shove without hesitation

shove without hesitation people tend to do funny things in the first hand of a tournament and aplying the card removal it is less likely that he would show up with aa ak so in the worst case u are flipping