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Alex "Lotte Lenya/H2Olga" Timman hand pack (+PHOTO; +LINKS)

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players • PokerStars


Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter

SB prixi2008 542  
BB Lotte Lenya 458  

Effective Stacks: 15bb

Blinds 15/30

Pre-Flop (45, 2 players)

prixi2008 calls 15, Lotte Lenya raises to 90, prixi2008 calls 60

Flop (180, 2 players)


Lotte Lenya checks, prixi2008 checks

Turn (180, 2 players)


Lotte Lenya bets 90, prixi2008 calls 90

River (360, 2 players)


Lotte Lenya goes all-in 278, prixi2008 calls 278

Final Pot: 916

prixi2008 shows a pair of Eights


Lotte Lenya shows high card Ace


prixi2008 wins 916 ( won +458 )

Lotte Lenya lost -458


No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players • PokerStars


Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter

SB firas71 540  
BB Lotte Lenya 460  

Effective Stacks: 23bb

Blinds 10/20

Pre-Flop (30, 2 players)

firas71 raises to 40, Lotte Lenya raises to 90, firas71 calls 50

Flop (180, 2 players)


Lotte Lenya checks, firas71 checks

Turn (180, 2 players)


Lotte Lenya bets 90, firas71 calls 90

River (360, 2 players)


Lotte Lenya checks, firas71 goes all-in 360, Lotte Lenya goes all-in 280

Final Pot: 920

firas71 shows three of a kind, Sixes


Lotte Lenya shows two pair, Tens and Sixes


firas71 wins 1000 ( won +460 )

Lotte Lenya lost -460


No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players • PokerStars


Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter

BB sp00led 550  
SB Lotte Lenya 450  

Effective Stacks: 23bb

Blinds 10/20

Pre-Flop (30, 2 players)

Lotte Lenya calls 10, sp00led checks

Flop (40, 2 players)


sp00led checks, Lotte Lenya bets 20, sp00led raises to 60, Lotte Lenya calls 40

Turn (160, 2 players)


sp00led checks, Lotte Lenya bets 65, sp00led raises to 180, Lotte Lenya calls 115

River (520, 2 players)


sp00led goes all-in 290, Lotte Lenya goes all-in 190

Final Pot: 900

sp00led shows a pair of Eights


Lotte Lenya shows a flush, Ace high


Lotte Lenya wins 900 ( won +450 )

sp00led lost -450


No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players • PokerStars


Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter

SB blanconegro 453  
BB Lotte Lenya 547  

Effective Stacks: 15bb

Blinds 15/30

Pre-Flop (45, 2 players)

blanconegro raises to 61, Lotte Lenya calls 31

Flop (122, 2 players)


Lotte Lenya checks, blanconegro checks

Turn (122, 2 players)


Lotte Lenya bets 90, blanconegro calls 90

River (302, 2 players)


Lotte Lenya goes all-in 396, blanconegro goes all-in 302

Final Pot: 906

blanconegro shows two pair, Eights and Sixes


Lotte Lenya shows two pair, Sixes and Fives


blanconegro wins 906 ( won +453 )

Lotte Lenya lost -453


Alex "Lotte Lenya/HOlga" Timman


Profile: click here

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Previous Alex's hand packs: click here and here