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All 3 Cash to SNG Series Will Be Available to Standard Members

The entire series (3 total videos besides the free video) is going to be made available to standard videos.

Previously, the first video was going to be standard with the last two premium.

After analyzing the decision to make ITRIED's concept video premium due to this response, the entire standard versus premium decision process was looked at more closely.  The result was that while ITRIED's video was made premium with (in my view) fine reasoning, this series would actually serve the community and potential members better by being in the standard section.

The goal of the standard section is to have basic concepts, good, sound winning strategy and an overall balance of material available at an affordable price for players of any stakes.

The goal of the premium membership is to make more advanced and higher level videos available that further those same concepts and sound winning strategies being offered to standard members.

So in sticking with that critique, it makes sense for this entire series to be made available to standard members.  The goal of the series is to give players moving into heads up sngs from heads up cash a good launching point to help them make the necessary adjustments and adapt to the games.  This series should help them enjoy success if they put the time and effort into heads up sngs, and the result of that should be the entire library of videos opening up as a realistic way to further improve.

Let me know if anybody has any questions about that.