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modragons's picture
all-in calculator

I saw xSCWx use one in video #14,with a layout kinda like pokerstove. Does anyone know where I can find one? It looked handy and much faster than setting up hands at sngwiz

xSCWx's picture
That short stacking

That short stacking calculator is from here:


I'm not sure if it still works. It sucks not being able to put in exact ranges, but for learning how the open raise size and open raise frequency affects what you can profitably shove I found it to be useful.

Magik4ever's picture
I have just seen the video

I have just seen the video too where xSCWx is using it and I googled it. I found a site where I can download it and information like this..
"...this piece of software, and others like it, are not allowed to be used during play at PokerStars (which we define as while the client software is open). We understand that such programs have legitimate uses for analysing one's game, and we are happy for players to do so after their session is over."
So will I get banned if I use it or what?? :D is it valid?

RyPac13's picture
If Stars says no, then you

If Stars says no, then you cannot use it while you're playing on Stars (make sure to close the client before opening the software).
xSCWx was using it 3 years ago in that video, so maybe the rules were different then or he simply was not aware (and thus was breaking the rules at the time).
But definitely check on the Stars software page or ask Stars specifically if you ever have questions about prohibited vs allowed software, they are the final say on what is and is not allowed on their poker room.

Magik4ever's picture
Thanks for the reply RyPac.

Thanks for the reply RyPac. Will do so ;]