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mrspiky's picture
All in pre flop

Hi all,

2 scenarios. Lets pretend is the first hand vs unknown.

You are the button at 10/20 you raise to 60 villain 3 bet to 180. which hands do you shove or reraise commit? 

You are BB. this time you 3bet and get shoved on. which hands are you happy to call with.

Does Sharkscope or anything else affect your decision?

I think my troule hands in these spots are 10s, JJ and AQ. If I know villain has a bad sharkscope I don't feel too good calling a shove with AK either as most times I am flipping.


RyPac13's picture
Usually the worse the player

Usually the worse the player the more likely you'll see weaker aces and such in that spot with AK...

I don't think I've ever folded AK in a husng preflop.