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mersenneary's picture
Announcement about July FastTrack and beyond

Hi all,I've mentioned this to a couple of you in coaching sessions, but I'm taking a new job as a stock trader in late July. I'm really excited about it - it's pretty cool that doing something I love to do (playing poker) has opened this door for me at a place that I have a lot of trust and respect for (I was initially very wary about entering in a finance position because of how tool-ish I consider the industry is in general). I'll be moving to Chicago and solving more and more complex puzzles all day. It should be both a lot of fun and a really big challenge.This means that July will be the last month for FastTrack. I'm still not sure what will happen to this forum after that, but it is likely the forum will eventually become available to HUSNG.com members. Again, if you'd like any information deleted from your threads or the threads themselves deleted, let me know. The articles will eventually go up on the site, as previously mentioned.To make sure I don't get too overwhelmed with everything in July and that FastTrack service is as good as usual, I'll only be taking repeat subscribers for July, both for full access and read-only. Be clear that if you go for read-only, all of this may be made available for free in the somewhat near future if you're a HUSNG.com subscriber, so that should factor into your calculation if you're just interested in reading. I'll also probably be posting a well thread ("ask me anything") in the twoplustwo forum in June or July. If you have any questions about all of this, just ask.For those of you full access folks who have not booked the private coaching component for June, you need to let me know by the 17th (as previously stated) if you'll be taking the 30 minute live coaching option. My time next week is extremely difficult to schedule, but I should have the 10:00am hour free every day of the week. If that works for you, sweet, if not, there's still time all day tomorrow or Friday, and if none of that works, talk to me. Otherwise, you can always send in a 30 minute HH review. I need to get that before the last week of the month so that I have time to complete it in June.https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0ArheGtnXQJ2MdHMzcnpBMi0tMmo1NDI...Questions?mers

mersenneary's picture
Oh, and keep the job

Oh, and keep the job announcement on the down low for now, it's meant just for you guys to know, I'll make it more public at some point later.

JackTheShipper's picture
will prices remain the

will prices remain the same? and this is something i wanted to suggest a long time ago ! could u possibly compile a BEST OF fasttrack in a word document or powerpoint? and send it to the people who did multiple months as some kind of loyalty bonus? i thought it would be a cool gesutre / and something to take with us, in the future :)  

mersenneary's picture
Prices will remain the

Prices will remain the same.As far as "best of" - a lot of the articles will be up on the site, eventually, but I would just copy/paste those and print out your individual threads. I'll let you decide what's meaningful to you :)

ServerBTest002's picture
Not happy obv, but you gotta

Not happy obv, but you gotta do what it's best for you.Btw, I would suggest to keep the forum opened for a week on August so, everyone can save what they want.I'm ok about the articles, your are the author so you can do what you want. I'm also ok with the delete thread option... and I might chose that...There will be 1 and a half month so I need to spend my time here as much as I can, expect many "stupid" questions... I want to understand every single word concept ;) Best of luck Mers

jackoneill's picture
Congrats on the new job

Congrats on the new job !Regarding next week, could I also extend the 30 minute live sweat to a full hour for a little extra fee - ie. I'd book that $200 package, but get a little discount on that for not doing the half hour ?Time-wise, the 10am session works for me any day except Thursday.

ServerBTest002's picture
I'd like to have the option

I'd like to have the option to delete all my posts when tthe fasttrack will be over...is it possible?

jackoneill's picture
I'll also edit my thread at

I'll also edit my thread at the end of July and remove all the off-topic stuff.

mersenneary's picture
We can do that if really

We can do that if really necessary, ServerB. It would have to be done completely manually.jack, sure, we can do that, it'd be $100 to make it a full hour. But I'm only going to do this for people who can do it next week in that specific hour, I mean it when I say I really can't take on much additional coaching.

ServerBTest002's picture
We can do that if really

We can do that if really necessary, ServerB. It would have to be done completely manually.I will do it, you don't have to delete all ... The main thing is... the week after the end of july ;)

mersenneary's picture
That should be fine.

That should be fine.

ServerBTest002's picture
ty Mers ;)

ty Mers ;)

jackoneill's picture
Cool. I'll add myself for

Cool. I'll add myself for Wednesday then and send you $100 on Paypal shortly :-)

Andres_A's picture
what means 30min HH review. I

what means 30min HH review. I send you HH and you work on it for 30 mins and cut the analysis and send me back ?

JackTheShipper's picture
mers just double

mers just double checking we are still on for 2hrs after the 24th somewhere right? becuase of the inet troubs etc

jackoneill's picture
Mers, just sent you $425 on

Mers, just sent you $425 on Paypal, that's the $100 for the half hour and for July, hope that's ok.

mersenneary's picture
30 minute HH review means 30

30 minute HH review means 30 minutes of your hand histories (30 minutes of total tournament time).JTS, yep, we're still on.jackoneill, confirmed! :)

GetThere's picture
hey mers, congrats on the

hey mers,congrats on the job!i'm going on a trip and won't have internet access until i return on july 1st so just wondering if i can book a full-access spot for july? will you still be offering packages where we can purchase additional HH reviews?

mersenneary's picture
No packages, yes, for people

No packages, yes, for people who want to book a spot (or even pay via Paypal), go ahead.

belrhitir's picture
congrats mers.   I kinda hate

congrats mers. I kinda hate myself and feel that I dont use this forum as I should.  Exams & so on. Hope I can do a good use of it in last week of June. GG again, its good to see that good things happens to good people like you.

kingkong's picture
Congrats for the new job!

Congrats for the new job! (although I'm a bit sad that Fast Track is over then)I have just sent you the 325$ for Juli.  

mersenneary's picture


ServerBTest002's picture
Id' also like to be here on

Id' also like to be here on July, I can do a FTP payment.... 

mersenneary's picture
I can't receive FTP payments,

I can't receive FTP payments, I can see if one of your fellow students is able to take them.

Andres_A's picture
FTP payment option again

FTP payment option again would be awesome mers...

mersenneary's picture
Haven't found anybody who is

Haven't found anybody who is up for taking it, yet. I'm willing to throw in some extras for someone who can facillitate it.

ServerBTest002's picture
k, waiting for updates ;)

k, waiting for updates ;)

jackoneill's picture
Is this just the two of you ?

Is this just the two of you ?  I'd have to check my remaining CC / Paypal limit, but could probably do it if you could someone ship me on Stars.  Don't have FullTilt, though - so you'd have to find someone to ship from FT -> Stars, could use the transfer thread on 2+2, though.