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jkl7645's picture
any goal setting recommandations?

my days with husng has been up and down. most day i am up 4-12 BI but some day no matter what i do i am down. i originally set my goal at 5 BI/day for about 6 hours of play but it is not working for some day. i end up chasing my lost and play way more than 6 hours; with tilt factor i think i probably lost more BI than i should.i am playing 1 table $34 turbo on ps now.any recommandations on what goal should i set for 6 hours of play would appreciated.thanks.

Boulases's picture
Play better than the day

Play better than the day before !!! Is my goal , and i play the same level and number of hour ...  I look a lot of hu player in shark scoop , and they all have some crazy downswing or long break event run ... 

fuseo's picture
I don't think you should make

I don't think you should make unrealistic goals. How can you expect to be up 5BI a day, everyday? Thats like a 14% ROI.A 56% winner over 36 (6 games an hour over 6 hours) games should expect to have breakeven/down days 1/3 of the time.So short term goals are kind of pointless and will cause more harm than good.Over 6 hours you should not have any goals whatsover.Maybe a better goals is to improve your ROI over the next 1000 games.

RyPac13's picture
My take on goals are that

My take on goals are that short term goals are good, in the right context and long term goals can be good, but are usually not enough to properly motivate by themselves.Now, I"m not even disagreeing with Fuseo, I just consider a very short term goal (like daily) of volume to be better.The key with short term goals is to make them attainable.  The desired result is to feel good about accomplishing something, and not feeling "stuck in the grind" or "so far away from success."  Build upon small goals, they add up and make you feel good over time as you accomplish them.But in Fuseo's example, I would consider playing 35 games a day to be the very short term goal.  Check that off every day, give yourself another check for not tilting.Then make a weekly profit goal, since you'll be winning very often if you play 35 games a day without tilting as a 56% winner.Then goals like a car, house, vacation, etc. are fine to make for month-years (as well as supernova type goals).  But I think that just having a single supernova goal, without smaller volume and possibly even profit goals, puts you at risk to feel demoralized about playing at some point well before you accomplish the goal.

jkl7645's picture
thanks guys,daily volume goal

thanks guys,daily volume goal is good idea. i will start with that. i think what i really like to know is my husng skill is improving or not. like when we are in school we have tests on each subjects. you can know exactly what you know or don't know about a certain subject afyer you have the test. with husng i guess the ultimate test is the playing field but wouldn't it be nice to have some kind of husng knowlege test on your skills. so you know exactly what to work on. this site is great has help me alot in husng with all these wonderful videos. i have done watching the stardard videos and now starting to watch the premium videos. there are tons of info. Just wondering if i am getting all that in my head. just feel that if there is a husng test i can take. juat like the pokervt.com daniel has develop an exam just to text your small ball skills.

RyPac13's picture
I'm halfway done with our

I'm halfway done with our first quiz (4 out of 8 questions so far) and will add 1+ questions tomorrow (been busy this week with other priorities and coaching).  Should be up soon.  Depending on the response (expect it will be very positive), myself and others will develop new quizzes.

Jamjoe's picture
Definitely adopt a volume

Definitely adopt a volume based goal. The problem with trying to achieve 5 BIs a day is, you play less when you're playing well, and more when you're playing badly, which is the opposite of what you really want to achieve.