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happyham's picture
AQ facing flop donk bet from fish

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 PlayersCougar Room - Turbo Heads Up, 43418213 Buy-In: $21+$1.00 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNhero2155  BBdrewhere44770  Effective Stacks: 15bb Blinds 25/50 Pre-Flop (75, 2 players) Hero raises to 100, drewhere44 calls 50 Flop (225, 2 players) drewhere44 bets 133, hero folds   drewhere44 wins 333 ( won +100 ) hero lost -100 Villain was the type to call ATC pre flop without ever 3 betting.  However when we got to 10bb effective stack play he didn't call ATC to my shoves.  He had donked on a wide variety of boards (donked 40% over 150 hand sample) with different textures (I honestly don't think flop texture mattered), and I caught him donk triple barrel bluffing in a previous game.Is it ok to just fold here given stack sizes and reads that opponent will not shut down on future streets?  It seems so so weak, given that he could well have air.  With stacks so short I didn't want to risk raising his donk bet only for him to stack off with bottom/mid pair.  With effective stacks deeper I would be more inclined to peel a turn card.   I fold at these stack sizes against a bad player 100% of the time.  Is this too weak?  

longjohn's picture
I don't know the answer to this

I don't know the answer to this, but I would really like to hear someones opinion on it as well because I think I have found myself in similar situations before.But if I did have to guess I think I would be with you on the fold

happyham's picture
Hehe, I'm guessing by the

Hehe, I'm guessing by the lack of responses that most think this is an easy fold :) If they didn't, then they would have said something is my assumption.  I hate folding here to a frequent donk bettor, but given stack sizes I just can't see how anything else could be better.  :(

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