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9620125's picture
attacking button limps

Say you've attacked a player's button-limps early on in a match with your stronger hands(he's a regular limper) and he folds most of them...With what kind of hands do you attack his button-limps when the blinds get large (say 50-100)? Do you want to attack with hands that have show-down-value or just the opposite? Do you prefer K3o to 89s or do you attack with 24o because that last hand is so bad you don't want to even see a flop?Are there any specific variables that go into this?

RyPac13's picture
Mixing in any weak hands is

Mixing in any weak hands is usually good, but especially hands that don't have much value in limped pots for you.So if you're playing a fairly passive player that is a little loose as well, you can get some good showdown value with hands such as K2o.  In addition, vs a tight caller, a hand such as K2o is dominated more often vs a limp calling range.  So checking a hand such as that back, and raising a hand without a high card in it may be the better player, as it will give you a more effective overall strategy (and a more stable one I believe).As you probably already know, the most important thing is going to be what their limping and calling ranges are here, but if you are patient for awhile when thinking of a good strategy to exploit them in these situations, you should start to get a good idea of some profitable things you can do.