AwesomeHUD v3 is not owned nor operated by Roberts/Lolsteamroller was kind enough to create the free AwesomeHUD v2, and has given him this page to advertise his new product, in exchange for members receiving the v3 HUD at a 25-50% discount rate. Email for all business relating to the HUD. If you believe an error or major issue is happening, you can always contact as well. - Admin
AWEHUDv3 for HUSNGs is a new HUD layout for Holdem Manager users. AWEHUDv3 now works for HEM 2.
The main features for the latest HUD (compared to Awesome HUD v2):
* clean and easy to understand interface
* only one compact panel
* uses significantly less space
* shows stats for both villain and hero
* shows stats on the HUD that can even help in short samples.
* provides all relevant HUSNG stats through popups
* has improved color-coding
AWEHUDv3 is split into 3 sections, divided by small borders.
The General Info section provides overall information about your opponent including icon, notes, name, hands, BBs, aggression factor, aggression frequency, street by street and total winnings against you.
The Small Blind Info section provides information on the amount of hands your opponent plays from the button, followed by the amount of hands your opponent raises and limps. The last two stats display your opponent's continuation bet and double barrel frequencies.
The Big Blind Info section provides information on how many hands your opponent plays from the big blind, including both 3-bet and call stats. Postflop stats follow, including flop check call, flop check raise and flop lead (donk bet). Finally, bet vs missed flop c-bet and bet vs missed turn c-bet stats.
(above) Color codes come in handy for quick identification.
Additionally, you can slide with your mouse (no need to click) over any stat for additional info. Examples of the mouse sliding benefits:
* Sliding over SB Preflop Raise stat (R in HUD) will provide information on how your opponent will react against 3-bets and against flop leads.
* Sliding over SB Limp stat (L in HUD) will provide information on how your opponent will react if you decide to attack limps as well as the frequency that your opponent bets the flop (stabs) in position in limped pots.
* Sliding over BB Counter (pictured below) will provide NASH Push/Call charts 5-12 bb's deep.
* Sliding over Aggression Factor/Frequency will display your opponent's overall stats.
There are 7 more popups with all the information you could possibly need.
- $20 is the regular price
- $15 for standard members of
- $10 for premium members of
Click here for installation instructions.
Buying the HUD
To buy the HUD, send a payment to one of options listed below and send an e-mail to with the ID/email that you made payment with. If you are a member, send the email with the same email address that you registered with on
Note: You may have to wait up to 72 hours to receive the HUD after making payment and sending your email to the HUD email address
Payment options
Moneybookers (
PayPal (
Poker Room Transfer (email for information)
Hi, can Roberts or someone help me out on fixing the awesome hud for me? It's been working just fine since I got it, but suddenly today stopped working, weird that it only stopped working for stars as I also play on Everest and it works fine there.BTW I wouldn't mind paying for the support
the reason is the newest stars-update, if you install the latest holdemmanager update it will work again:
Had a hem cracked version that saved me the $89.99, but it doesn't work anymore with the update i've just made. But now that I know what is it worth in terms of utility i'll just pay for it. Hope it'll be enough for the hud to work again on stars.The only thing I didn't like that much is that I've realized that my win rate goes way down without the hud(or may be I was just playing and running bad today) Thanks anyways grrgrrbla for the tip, will let u know ifit works again when i pay for the hem license.
Looks like my problem is solved now. Looking forward for the HM2 version
I had same problem, emailed for help and was told it was due to pstars update. and was advised to download latest version of holdem manager 1.12 to sort problem. it worked and hud back up and running.dont no if thats any help for you.
I had same problem, emailed for help and was told it was due to pstars update. and was advised to download latest version of holdem manager 1.12 to sort problem. it worked and hud back up and running.dont no if thats any help for you.
opps! i didnt see the second page, so was responding to first comment
Is there going to be a HN2 version soon?
HEM 2 has option to import HEM1 HUDs
HUD Options>Displayed Stats>Import 1.0 This made Awesome Hud v2 work with HEM2. Can someone who has bought v3 check if it works with HEM2? Thank you
great HUD but is it maybe possible to include the stats how often he attack my limp? I hope this is possible :)thank youregards chaosad
i saw you have some nice icons woul you be kind enouth to share your autorate rules
I have downloaded V3 For HM2 And seem to have a annoying issue.Once I have applied it to my HUD setup it lists the V3 as the primary HUD,However at the start of every game the default 2.0 HUD from HM2 shows up meaning you need to select the V3 each time you play a SNG Has anyone else come across this issue?
I have been using ver. 3 for about a year now, and I absolutely love it. I just dled the newest update for HEM1 though, so that I cold get it to work with revolution/Locks new software and since I have done that I have encountered a problem with the stats at different blind levels. It keeps saying that villain is playing 100% of hands. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but the problem still persists. I went to the HEM forums and they said to ask you for help. Thanks in advance.
Can i run hud for PokerStars and Ipoker at the same time. For instance i have 1 table on ipoker the other on stars? Thank you in advance for your help
This HUD free or not ? If free download ?
It is not free:Pricing - $20 is the regular price - $15 for standard members of - $10 for premium members of Click here for installation instructions.
Looks like a great hud but i have a question about the Nash part is it from 12bb to 6bb then 5bb to 1bb or is just 12bb then 5bb and you have to guesstimate from 6-11bb
Hi Chip,It goes for each big blind from 5 to 12, the 5 and 12 are just the low and high end examples. So at 6bb, you'll get the 6bb ranges, etc.Note: Using NASH blindly is not recommended, using it as a guide/base to adjust from against each opponent is best.
Thanks a lot for the info just sent the payment for the hud