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CheckTheRaise's picture
Bankroll advice 20s.

Thinking about playing the 20.90€ HU sngs the next months.   What's your bankroll advice for this limit?Gonna start taking shots with 500€. 

TJobin's picture
as i am a huge brm nit, i

as i am a huge brm nit, i would say 1k min. but the thing is, you have to be confortable playing the limit, as losing some games shouldn't affect u in any level.

Katipo's picture
Recommendations only make

Recommendations only make sense in the context of your winrate. For instance, I'd be pretty happy to play the 20s with 400 or even a little less but I wouldn't play the 100s with less than 3000 since my winrate would be lower.This tool should help you:http://www.husng.com/content/husng-variance-calculator

RyPac13's picture
I think the most important

I think the most important variables are bankroll and skill.  What sort of success have you had up until now at lower levels?  Some samples with ROIs would be good.Taking shots would be fine, and exactly what I would recommend, assuming you've had good success at the levels below this one.Some additional tips:- Decide before you take your shot how much you're comfortable losing if you run/play bad.- Make sure you can move down if you lose that amount without having your mental approach or confidence impacted too negatively.- Don't be afraid to fail.  Even the best players in the world would lose 5 buyins at times taking shots at micro stakes, so don't beat yourself up if you also fail.  Variance can cause any player to lose a handful of buyins.  Use it as motivation improve your game more rapidly and attack the next shot with an even better skillset.