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happyham's picture
Basic range for raising repetitive limpers

I am curious to know what people's general range is when raising someone (readless) who has limped close to 100% of their buttons? Obviously if the opponent is loose passive and calls a lot pre, then it becomes easier (I imagine something like 99+, Any 2 broadways, maybe T9s).  However what about when you are playing against a limper who has a tight limp calling range?  Do you begin to polarize your range?   What about if you are playing the type of opponent who limps a ton, then 3 bets your limp raise a lot?  Do you narrow your range to top value range only, or have other types of hands in there as well?    Or what about the type of opponent who limps maybe 20% of his buttons, opens the majority and folds the very bottom of his range?  I appreciate that this question can be answered differently depending on gameflow and other variables, but I assume that there are basic ranges to implement against these types of players readless, then adjust as things progress. Any thoughts?

RyPac13's picture
Post a few hands probably

Post a few hands probably with detailed reads (or "readless unknown") it's really hard to answer these hypotheticals with such detailed information on one hand (100% limping) and then no other info at all (passive, aggro, etc.).