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BobbyBJ's picture
BB call/fold vs SB steal

Hi guys, I decided to use the HUD for HU sng and I find this stats,BB call (or fold) vs SB stealso this stats is also for HU sng?I think that it's very important specially in high blinds situations, because filtering the HUD for blinds levelwe can know how much fold an opponent when us (on SB) raising IP. I waiting your reply. Bye

DntCaltACmBk's picture
My HUD Stats

Hi Bobby,Here are the stats I have displayed on my HUD:Folds Big Blind / Blind Steal Attempts (i.e. Raising From Button) / 3bets / Folds to 3betsVPIP / PFR / Aggression% / Flops SeenCbets / Folds To Cbets / Check-raise % / Big BlindsTruthfully I only really use the top line. I'm not too sure how to interpret middle line stats for heads up or if they're helpful at all. The odd time I get an opponent that plays passive preflop but is a LAG maniac post flop and having the Aggression % is helpful in that regard -- but, then again, I've been single tabling lately so I tend to notice things like that.The last line can be useful, I particularly like having the BB stat so that I have a quick reference without doing third grade math. What I really wish is that my HUD (Poker Co-Pilot for mac) had the option to keept rack of donk bets and turn cbets.Overall I find those top line stats to be really beneficial to my game. Even when I'm just single tabling my memory is not the greatest so when a guy 3bets me it's helpful to know if he's ever 3betted me before or if this is the first time in 17 hands.

BobbyBJ's picture
Ty for your reply. Aggression

Ty for your reply.Aggression stat what is exactly? For example if I use Aggression on the flop, that stat say me how muchhe donkbet flop, he c/r, he cbet or he bets on my missing cbet?Ty 

DntCaltACmBk's picture
Aggression %

Aggression frequency is calculated by adding up the number of hands in which a player bets or raises post flop divided by the number of hands in which any post flop action has been taken (bet, raise, call, fold) and multiplying it by 100. This helps me to get a handle on whether or not I have a passive or tight opponent on my hand.Someone advised me that for this stat you have to have it side by side with the Flops Seen stat because, naturally, a person who only plays super premium cards and bets them like hell is going to have a high aggression % but their flops seen % might be like 2%.

BobbyBJ's picture
Ty man ;)

Ty man ;)