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heartrazor's picture
Been watching Jersey Shore

So why are these reality shows so ashamedly interesting? After watching a Croixdawg vid I go and start watching Jersey Shore to check it out and now have these urges to get man tans, diamond earings, and start juicing. I used to think I was kind of a man whore till I see shows like this and realize that, really, I'm not. Don't know if I'll contiue watching them, and in my defense I fast forwarded through parts of the first and second episode.

I did smile a good amount while watching it though, it must be because of "the situation". Does that guy remind you of worm from Rounders?

FYI , if any of ya'll wanna see something funny check out Archer, it's that cartoon series on FX. Pretty hillarious imo.

xSCWx's picture
It gets better as the season

It gets better as the season progresses. I live for this show.

heartrazor's picture
Right on. Yeah, I think

Right on. Yeah, I think I might be in for the long haul now. Watched up to episode 3 so far. I've been watching HUSNG vids while these things download, err, I mean, not download, since that would be illegal. *cough*

I'm done with croix's vids and almost done with cog's vids so I think I'll start on yours next. I must say I'm impressed with the content on this site so far.


RyPac13's picture
"After watching a Croixdawg

"After watching a Croixdawg vid I go and start watching Jersey Shore to check it out and now have these urges to get man tans, diamond earings, and start juicing."

This is basically the perfect anti-testimonial.

I love Jersey Shore, but it makes me laugh and gives no urges of going anywhere near the shores of New Jersey.

If anything, New Jersey is now last on my list of states to visit.

In fact, I can't think of a state I'd hate anywhere near NJ.  Alabama and Mississippi and maybe Arkansas I can't see any reason to visit, but the former two have a lot of rural areas and the ocean.  I've been through Kentucky and North Dakota, or I'd consider those near the bottom of the list.  Everything west at least has nice scenery, everything northeast the same.  New Jersey: you suck!

Sorry to Dodge and Wrestle and any other native NJ people.  You've overcome a lot of bullshit to get to where you're at today and you should be proud.

Radeh's picture
So not gonna watch that

So not gonna watch that show...and not only because I keep on losing against a guy called Jersey Shores :D

Agree on NJ though...visited (read: was forced to visit) South Brunswick, that was enough.

Goats!!! MORE GOATS!!!


Goats!!! MORE GOATS!!!

stalagmita's picture
dumbest show ever. period.

dumbest show ever. period.

wtf hu ?

RyPac13's picture
This show has some great fail

This show has some great fail humor, but season 1 was much better in that regard. I actually do think the changes from season 1 have been good for the show, it's just not a direction that appeals to me.  It seems to me that season 1 they were more naturally themselves, and it was funnier to watch them just blunder around making a mockery of themselves.  Season 2 seems more contrived, but I'm sure the plot/drama is better for ratings.

MrRunsGoood's picture
Hahaha, don't know why but

Hahaha, don't know why but just reading the title to this thead made me lol.Meh, don't watch the show often, but when I do it's like nostalgia. We all know douche bags like this, but these guys are like charatures. Especially the "situation", he tries to fill his shallow, self absorbed insecurities with roids, tan, and creating a hyper masculine image of himself. I mean who give's themselves a moniker like "the situation". He reminds me of a guy I use to work with that we called "brows" because of his perfectly shappen eyebrows. Picture a white Canadian guido - guy thought he was a player too.

RyPac13's picture
I can see why they let that

I can see why they let that black haired girl back on for season 2 (Angela I think her name is) as she was so full of drama and conflict.  To me, she showed most how much acting and setup was involved in season 2 of this show (not that season 1 was different in that regard, but it seemed to show the people more naturally interacting, which was funnier to me).  She would aimlessly create drama, and once in awhile the camera would show a smirk or smile that indicated she wasn't taking any of this that seriously at all (of course there were dramatic and emotional moments, fights and screaming matches, but that's edited footage and in the moment).Overall, season 2 was a real let down.  The show turned into more of a promotion of the lifestyle and silly contrived dramatics that are prevalent in a ton of the new generation of weak ass reality tv.But again, I watched it for fail humor and while a majority of people I've ever heard talking about the show appreciate that aspect, the "omg dramabomb, did you hear what she said to him?" aspect of the show is more universally appealing.  Unfortunately, i think it ruined the show.On the "shows so bad they are good" front, my next target will be that Sarah Palin's Alaska show.  Anybody else have a suggestion for a show that is so bad it's good?