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sngplayer's picture
Best HyperTurbo Coach

Hello , i am searching for the best HyperTurbo Coach that fits me.Im switching to HyperTurbos now and love the soft field and the play is fun and fast.I am getting warmed up with 15$ Hypers for 100 Games but have a decent enough bankroll to quickly move up to 30$ and 60$'s.My midterm-goal is to reach 60$ as fast as possible.Crushed Fullring SNGs in 2009 and have a solid 6max, HU Cash Background after that but decided to leave cashgames behind for now. Would love to devolop a solid relationship with my coach (mentor style).Any recommendations are greatly appreciated. Best RegardsChris     

RyPac13's picture
Since you're a standard

Since you're a standard member, I would suggest watching Cog, Fydor and my own videos in the standard membership, we each have super turbos/super turbo leakfinder videos and should be in your price range.PHMERC doesn't have a super/hyper turbo video on the site, but he did play one of them during one of his recent videos (titled PHMERC in the mid stakes heads up sngs) and is certainly qualified to teach these.Guys like Hokie and Mers are exceptional coaches for these, but likely out of your price range until you're at least in the $60s (if that's not the case, give them a look, they are quite talented coaches).Let me know if you have any other questions, happy to help.