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DntCaltACmBk's picture
Best videos for assigning hand ranges?


RyPac13's picture
Skates board texture videos 1

Skates board texture videos 1 and 2 (standard membership) come to mind right away.mjw006's beating mid stakes series (standard membership) should have some solid hand range analysis.Expanding from there, HokieGreg does a lot of advanced range/board texture analysis.Many instructors will talk about hand ranges, check out guys like xSCWx, PHMERC or my own videos (particularly videos in the last year of mine, but always try to look at the more recent videos from each instructor, everybody improves a lot over time).Report back any valuable findings if you don't mind, for other members to benefit from.

happy's picture
If i remember correctly

If i remember correctly PHERMC's video explained went over villians hand ranges in in very good and understandable way imo.