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RyPac13's picture

Hey guys,Our blog.husng.com blogs are now attached to the usual blogroll at the bottom of the main page (and the bottom of most pages).However, I am out of town until Wednesday, so we won't have a formal launch/announcement/individual contacts until then.As such, don't be surprised if the blogs are a bit disorganized until later next week (Thursday or Friday). I'll get that squared away at that point, but until then, we technically have two blogging interfaces.Regular bloggers, if you don't have a blog.husng.com ID/password, simply email rypac13@husng.com and I'll forward your email to the blog manager to take care of it.It turned out this way by dumb luck, we've had the blog syncing on a list to do for about a month and it just so happened it was finished the day I left out of town (today).So, in the meantime, you can go to free > blogs and view the old blogs I believe, or you can go to blog.husng.com and view the new blogs. The blog.husng.com will be more prevalent on the site next week, it will be linked in various places and we'll have all the older interface bloggers switched over.

Spike's picture
Nice improvement the

Nice improvement the http://blog.husng.com/ ; as you can finally use Live Bookmarks to follow the blogs.thx

RyPac13's picture
Thanks. Also bumping this

Thanks.Also bumping this because a few users have been asking about the blog changes.Another 48 hours until I have enough time to organize everybody on the new system, then we'll blog like we've never blogged before (and I'll work on turning that last phrase into a catchy 80s pop song later).

eejit's picture

I think it's "blog like it's 1999", but I'm pretty sure there were no blogs then, so that might not be good.

Webmaster222's picture
Hi Bloggers,

I am the famous or soon to be infamous blog manager mentioned above.You should all haved received an email with instructions on how to access the new blogging platform.Any probs post here and i will endeavour to answer.Happy Blogging.222