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beatmeupaa's picture
Bounty: *curious liquid* @ FTP

Hi guys,

I have played a guy called "curious liquid" today and lost 1:4 matches. He was running quite good against me, like calling my 3bet with 68s and hitting trips on the turn vs. my flopped top pair. However, he plays super loose aggressive and I have had no idea how to play against him. 

I would pay someone to hunt this player down and play him, making a video and explaining his play - crushing this guy.

Someone interested?

BTW: I would like to see the video producers here make some videos against solid LAGs, that would help as well.

mrspiky's picture
PrimordialAA video 19


try to watch his vid against piratepeaty.

It seems to me that most loose players are loser, and I think that you can beat them as long as you have/flop good hands.

It is like a horse but with shorter legs and bigger ears...(and  we all love it!)

olionion's picture
 Lol, could be a good angle

 Lol, could be a good angle for making a few quid though, there are enough players on ftp that talk jibber jabber that i would invest a few quid to see them taken down a peg or two.